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WYFH COVID-19 Safety Protocols

This page will be updated as more guidance is sent out by local and state health officials.


Healthy Practices:

  • Players/coaches must wear face masks at all times, if mandated by state and local health officials. 

    • Effective May 18, 2021, the mask mandate has been lifted for youth sports.  WYFH will not require masks to be worn outside.  

  • Players/coaches should wash hands and face prior to and after practice or game.

  • Players should bring and use their own hand sanitizer. 

  • If a player or coach is ill in any way, they should not come to practice or game. 

  • If a player/coach presents or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19, please do not come to practice or game. 
    Please also notify WYFH ( 

  • If a player/coach has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to practice or game.  Please also notify WYFH ( 

  • If a player is injured during practice or a game, their parent/caregiver will be notified by a coach and must be picked up immediately.  

  • All players and coaches should practice good general health habits, including maintenance of adequate hydration, consumption of a varied, vitamin-rich diet with sufficient vegetables and fruits, and getting adequate sleep.


Drinks and Snacks:

  • Players, coaches, and umpires should bring their own personal drinks to all team activities.  Drinks should be labeled with the person’s name.

  • There should be no use of shared or team beverages.

Player Equipment:

  • Players should have their own individual equipment such as goggles, gloves (as applicable), field hockey stick, shin guards and mouth guard. 

  • Measures should be enacted to avoid equipment sharing when feasible. WYFH will not allow sharing of ANY equipment, other than field hockey balls.  

  • Player’s equipment (e.g. bags, goggles, field hockey sticks, gloves, etc.) should be cleaned and disinfected after each use by a parent/guardian/caretaker, where applicable.

These protocols are subject to change as Massachusetts guidance is provided by state and local officials and board of health during COVID-19. 

Governing documents used in these guidelines:

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